74 results found displaying 52-54
Personalised Postcard Printer Printer Friendly Version
A machine similar to a photo printer at photo printing shops. Photos can be transferred to the machine via usb, dropbox, etc. They can then be manipulated to make postcards, which it then prints out on postcard paper, with or without lines on the back. Could also incorporate puzzle postcards and prepaid postage.
These machines can be purchased by cafes for their customers who want to send personalised postcards. At the same time they can order a coffee or something to eat.
Reward: One machine to keep for myself and another to give to a local cafe in Helsinki.

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Compressed Powderized Paper Pill Binder Printer Friendly Version
Today's pill binders are usually sucrose (sugar) or lactose (like a milk product) which taste bad and sit very hard on the stomach making you feel sick for at least a short while but, if we use a compressed powderized paper as a binder for all pills then they would taste better (because you can't make chewable pills out of sucrose or lactose due to the bad taste) they could be flavored and when stomache acid hits paper, it seperates and temporarily coats your stomache like an ant-acid where your stomache would actually feel better rather than worse. Then it breaks down and passes through your system without any trouble. Many people make their own pills at home and powderized paper would be a great binder and it would cost much less that sugar or lactose. Also, alot of people are allergic to lactose or are lactose intolerant and would need the sucrose which makes pills more expensive or unavailable to that particular consumer. You could also make all of your pills chewable because paper will hold a good taste and is tasteless to begin with which means that it will hold a new flavor easily.
Reward: Credit

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Encoded Scanning Device for Paper Shredders Printer Friendly Version
A simple copy like scanner that quickly picks up the paper's image right before shredding in case you shred the wrong document. That way (with password and name recognition) you could retrieve the encoded message from a cartridge affixed to the side of the shredder and download it for reprint on your computer later. This would also keep fraud out of the company if only one person was in charge of reading the shredded documents.
Reward: Knowing you really love me Britney Spears!

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