74 results found displaying 58-60
Improved Online Tax Return Filing Printer Friendly Version
Have the government give taxpayers access to an internet tax return form with all the sources of income that it knows about already entered into it. It already knows all or most of your sources of income because it receives copies of your tax forms.
You would only need to fill in any extra things that the government doesn’t know about, if any, and then click submit and your taxes would be filed. That would take just minutes. The computer would calculate how much refund you get. Employers and banks could just submit their information online to the government instead of sending tax forms to the tax payer. Then that information could be used by the government computers to create a tax return for each taxpayer.
People without a computer could be given access to government computers. You could save millions of man-hours every year by making it easier for taxpayers to file their taxes. Additionally you would cut down on the paper and mailing costs associated with paper tax returns.
Reward: To not have to fill out another paper tax return.

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Spray On Flexible Paper Preservative Printer Friendly Version
We have all had our wallets or clothes go through the wash or in the rain and have all of our paper documents destroyed by water smearing the ink, completely destroying the entire paper to shreads or some other paper versus water desruction. Much like lacquers that are used to preserve art work we could find a flexible version that would not smear ink and would keep them safe from water damage. A simple spray and alteration to the common lacquers we could find the right lacquer type formula to protect all of our documents from liquids indefinitely. Any kind of saturating preservative that is water resistant and can fully protect even the thickest paper.
Reward: Some samples.

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 New Zealand
Mobile Phone Add Business card Printer Friendly Version
How many times does someone hand you a printed business card that you can never find when you need it? Imagine a slot on your mobile that you slip the card into that scans/copies it for future reference?
Reward: Pat on the back or maybe a paper hat?

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