16 results found displaying 7-9
Purse Holder Printer Friendly Version
As a working mother of three, I do not ever leave my home without my trusty companion: my purse! Although I own an SUV, there never seems to be an appropriate place to put my purse! Don't auto manufacturers realize that a very large majority of their consumer base consists of purse-toting women? How about expanding the area beneath the glove compartment to hold our purse?
Reward: Written recognition and an 'idea' award! A new vehicle would be nice. I like Jaguars. *hint*hint*

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 United Kingdom
Which side again? Printer Friendly Version
An idea though of while breast-feeding my 3 month old daughter....
I sometimes forget which side I used last and generally it's when my daughter is hollering for food....
So, I thought of a simple bracelet that can be worn by the mother which has a dial for L and R. Thus, this can be turned to whichever side was last used, saving the hassle of remembering at 2 in the morning! :D
Health benefits include less risk of mastitis (means each side is used equally, rather than favouring one side) and less engorgement issues, for the same reason.
Reward: 100% recognition & one free bracelet! :)

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Water Bottle funnel Printer Friendly Version
My mother in law saves all of her plastic Disani waters bottles to fill up water from her Brita water purifier pitcher.
She fills each one up seperately and it spills over the side while filling each bottle
Why not deveop some sort of tray that could hold 6 to 8 empty plastic bottles and then once in the tray a top piece would lay over the top of the bottles with individual spouts that fit into each bottles spout and the top tray could be filled like an ice tray where the water would flow into the bottles filling them all up at once.
Reward: one of product

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