74 results found displaying 67-69
Truely Permanent Markers Printer Friendly Version
If you write with permanent ink markers available in today's market onto plastic containers and other various materials that do not have a paper like quality to fully obsorb the ink, then the ink will eventually wear off. Who hasn't marked baking goods plastic containers or Holiday plastic boxes just to see that the writing from the permanent marker has worn off, and now you don't really know what it contains 6 months later and you have to rewrite the contents on it again. You also have to open everything and look inside to see what it is. If you use an acid based etching type of ink then it would soak into plastic and other formerly impervious materials and truely be permanent as intended.
Reward: A supply in all neon colors!

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Use-that-other-wall gadget Printer Friendly Version
There's this big fat wall sitting in front of my kitchen window (it's probably the same wall you have in front of your toilet window, or someone else can see from his sleeping room window).
"My" wall is only a couple of feet away from the kitchen window, but it's far enough so I can't touch it when I lean out of the window (and I wouldn't want to try it as Im living on the fourth floor). Still the wall really looks like I should make some cool use of it. If the wall was made of steel, I could use huge magnets and put my shopping lists up there (just like other people do on their fridge doors). Technically I could always write down the shopping list on a piece of paper, stick it in a beamer and project it against the wall, but that's not really the convenience I'm looking for (also it would constantly use up energy). So what I need is a cool idea how I can use that "other" wall which isn't my property and where I'm not allowed to use screws or nails.

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Recycling paper as alternative to charcoal Printer Friendly Version
Paper comes from wood and charcoal is derived from wood. My idea is to recycle used papers, such as newspapers and old documents, to become an alternative for charcoal. The procedure would be to soak several used papers in water for some time. Then compact them using hands or other means to reasonable sizes. Then let them dry. You can now use them as an alternative for charcoal. It may function differently than charcoal but it will work.

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