73 results found displaying 70-72
Scared Single Printer Friendly Version
Develop a new reality TV series called "Scared Single", to save young guys from making a terrible mistake by getting married. The show would take newly engaged couples and do a swap with a forty-something couple, sending the young guy to live with the forty-something housewife and her kids.
If after the swap period and all the "great" times that went with it the guy still decides to get married, the show will pay for the wedding. If the show does its duty and the guy comes to his senses and calls off the wedding, he can enjoy his prize of a lifetime of beer, nights out with the guys, no kids...
In prep, the show producers can evalute all the couples to determine the best mixes. For example, match a straight-laced conservative young couple with an over-the-hill, partied out, lazy middle-age couple. Things could get interesting.
Reward: If the show helps just one guy see the light then I've done my job and that's reward enough.

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Paper Houseboots Printer Friendly Version
I need a pair of cheap houseboots (actually, a bunch of pairs); and so does my contractor and lots of other people).
I'm building a house, and there's dirt all around. Every time I need to come inside for something while I'm working out in the dirt, I have to stop and take my boots off (or else track dirt and sand onto my nice new cork floor). And then put 'em back on again when I go back out. A royal pain, both ways.
After I came up with this idea, my wife and I found a pair of big slip-on booties in a catalog--for 27 bucks! Not what I had in mind at all. What I need is a paper pair that'll last for a few trips into the house and then can be thrown away. A couple bucks a pair would be OK, but under a buck would be great.
Yes, there are hospital and cleanroom booties that one can buy for maybe 15 cents a pair if you buy a case of 300. But if you've got a handful of tools or something, you don't have two hands free to put 'em on. What's needed is something that one can slip one's boots into without using one's hands at all. They should have slightly raised backs, so that dirt doesn't just slide off the back end while you're walking. Kind of like large low-back bedroom slippers.
Housewives with kids would probably appreciate having houseboots in small sizes, too.
Reward: A lifetime supply? Small royalty if the idea really makes money?

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Wearable Velcro Suit With Interchangable Costumes Printer Friendly Version
Clothing to which you can attach various different patches of velcro backed objects, which represent a different imaginary or real persona or type of outwardly projected and seeable job, activity (P.J.s, etc.), or fairy tale mythological being that any child wants to be. A doctor, a judge, a cartoon, a fireman, a wizard, a dragon, a professional sports player (you would attach all the jersey uniform pieces to the velcro clothing) or what ever you can think of that a child could or would want to pretend to be with the suit as a complete visual aid. The clothing would be pants and long sleeves that both are velcroed together that come complete, but come apart to reassemble into short sleeves or shorts. All the extra pieces to make the costumes (all life size and realistic where applicable) are all basically flat and attach directly to any part of the suit making it possible to change into one or more types of person or creature at any time. Like jersey numbers, names, stripes, colored pieces of that team, logos, etc. Great for kid plays or a group or birthdays or even holidays (just think of all of the kids as elves). We could even make one of the children Santa and have them sort the presents.
Reward: Four please!

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