72 results found displaying 70-72
Use-that-other-wall gadget Printer Friendly Version
There's this big fat wall sitting in front of my kitchen window (it's probably the same wall you have in front of your toilet window, or someone else can see from his sleeping room window).
"My" wall is only a couple of feet away from the kitchen window, but it's far enough so I can't touch it when I lean out of the window (and I wouldn't want to try it as Im living on the fourth floor). Still the wall really looks like I should make some cool use of it. If the wall was made of steel, I could use huge magnets and put my shopping lists up there (just like other people do on their fridge doors). Technically I could always write down the shopping list on a piece of paper, stick it in a beamer and project it against the wall, but that's not really the convenience I'm looking for (also it would constantly use up energy). So what I need is a cool idea how I can use that "other" wall which isn't my property and where I'm not allowed to use screws or nails.

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 United Kingdom
Digital Radio Images Printer Friendly Version
I don't know about other countries but when I tune into radio on my digital TV I just get a blank blue screen, wouldn't it be a good idea for the station provider to make their digital service more interactive by displaying information about the music playing, they could run competitions or advertisments anything really to take the blue screen away! I know radio is for listening to but if I sit in my living room and try to listen the screen seems to draw me back to looking at it!
Reward: Free digital TV?

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Rear-facing Baby Car Seat that is Better for Baby's Back Printer Friendly Version
Traveling with a sleeping baby on mass transportation systems can be a challenge. Typically, when a baby is sleeping in its buggy and the parent needs to get into the car, they try not to wake the baby up. Instead, they simply detach the car seat from the buggy frame, put it into the car, and drive off.
When they get home, most parents ether attempt to move the baby from the car seat into the cot and inadvertantly wake him up in the process. Or, they may leave the baby in the car seat.
This is great, however many parenting websites, books, experts etc. warn parents not to let the little ones sleep in the car seat for too long as the inclined position is bad for a baby's spinal cord/back bone development. They recommend that babies should lay flat whenever possible. So, why not invent a car seat that, when it is not in the car, can be made to recline to a flat position?
That way, when you get home with your sleeping baby in the car seat (let's face it, what parent has not gone out purposefully to get the baby to sleep in the car, at least once!), you can carry the baby into his/her room, place the car seat in the cot, and recline the back section so that it is fully flat. This allows the baby to remain peacefully asleep in a position that will not damage the baby's spinal cord development.
Of course, you would have to find a way to prevent the car seat from reclining when it is in the car. That would be dangerous!
Reward: Just invent it and I'll be a very happy mummy. And so will many others around the world I'm sure!

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