196 results found displaying 76-78
Rent a Cop Printer Friendly Version
Where are the police when you see a traffic violation? Nowhere, that's where.
I propose the provincial/state governments create a course for the above average driver (someone with the maximum amount of merits on their license) to take to learn the basics of vehicle trafficing and violations.
Once the civilian has passed the course, s/he could be licenced in thier city and province/state and allowed to pull over and ticket other civilian offenders.
This system could be based on comission renumeration only so that the government pays a small percentage fee based on the ticket.
It's a win-win situation. The civilian makes money and the government makes more money as they are catching more motorists break the law, than they would have due to insufficient policing of traffic. Also, they could charge money for teaching the registered course.
Reward: I'd love to see this in effect anywhere! No reward needed at the streets would be safer for everyone!

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 United Kingdom
Human Auction Site Printer Friendly Version
Don't worry - not what the title may suggest. I propose a site from which members could share abilities. For example: I am in a band. We have made a record, but we need some album art. So in return, we search for an artist to some album art. The artist could be given our music free. Alternatively, a proprietary currency could be used which could be exchanged according to the difficulty/length of the task. This money could be exchanged for real money, allowing people to make money with the site. Bids could be made, with the task going to the lowest bidder.
Alternatively, you could help people by offering services free to everyone/certain people, with awards for the most 'charitable'. All sorts of services, from proofreading to instructional/teaching services could be exchanged. It could also provide a marketplace for independant music/films/literature without publishers etc.
Reward: Would like to be kept informed of any progress, maybe even have the option of collaborating.

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John Mertz
National Statesman Award Printer Friendly Version
I have always thought that there were too many politicians and too few statesmen in government. My idea is to establish an annual award to an elected person in government that has acted in a notably statesman-like fashion, i.e. looking out for the long term benefit to the nation and the world without regard to political expedience. It would have to be juried (perhaps by an international panel) in a manner that was free of all partisan politics.
It may help people making hard decisions to gain prestige and to stay in office. At least there would be some acknowledgement of their courageous action. - It should have a status of akin to Nobel Peace prize.
Reward: Credit for the idea.

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