15 results found displaying 10-12
Musical Mute Printer Friendly Version
My thanks goes out to ZYX' for reminding me of this idea. Why have I not seen a TV +/or entertainment system that (optionally) automatically plays your favorite radio station (or cd/other medium) when you mute it to avoid commercials. The commercial-avoidance system could also be auto. Maybe this could use 2+ mute buttons, or have the options on the menu.
Reward: Seeing someone capitalize on this idea.

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"Looks improvement" mirror Printer Friendly Version
How about having a mirror which tells me how I should look before rather than changing my looks later.
A mirror which captures my image; has stored hairstyles, apparels images; I can choose from a menu and view my changed looks beforehand?
Reward: One such.

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 United Kingdom
Garage goodies Printer Friendly Version
Now cars are having dvd's n psx's etc. built in the backseat.. I thought maybe some custom built console could be made specifically for in car entertainment.
When you stop at a garage to fill up the car you get the opportunity to download stuff into console, could be a game, the news, a movie or whatever.. maybe have a touch screen menu beside the petrol/gas tank so you could pick what you want and pay for it when you pay for the petrol.. would be nice on long journeys to stop the kids being bored, and when you stop for a break you can catch up on the news.
hello I'm lee.. 28.. with beer and nearly out of rizla+
Reward: quiet kids, chance to catch up on latest events

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