45 results found displaying 10-12
Message from old time Printer Friendly Version
Capsules with memories from present are inserted into new buildings. Official documents may be secret for decades before they come public. Personal documents can be kept in vaults or law offices, but normally they are given to relatives when the owner dies.
Has someone already commercialized a message from old time service? A reliable organization, which stores in a secure place messages and mementos to be given to relatives after decades, even a hundred years later. Those could be greetings, handwritten letters, biographies, documents, files, secrets, photos and videos, notifications in public medias, small items etc. The service would take care of all data and convert it to modern format. Nothing valuable to avoid judicial writs, as it can be difficult to find the nearest relative after a long period.

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Taco Bell Delivery Printer Friendly Version
I think that Taco Bell delivery would be an outstanding service to all who want the food but do not want to travel to get it. Especially if you have been drinking.
Charge a small delivery fee - $1-$2 and watch the profits go through the roof.

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Rent a Gadget Service Printer Friendly Version
More and more pdas, gadgets... coming out every day. I really want to get hand on some of them but not buying them. I know you can buy them and return them (morally not very good) or sell them on ebay (too much hassle and a couple days of usage can reduce a lot of value. And I don't care playing with a used gadget).

So why don't we have services for renting gadgets for play? The manufacture should be happy that customers pay for trying their products.
The question is that how much would I like to pay?
For example, I won't like to pay 300$ to rent one $400 gadget for one year. But I would like to pay $300 memership fee per year for renting 20 gadgets priced from under 100$ to 6 or 7 hundred.
Or I may like to pay $20 to have a hot gadget for 1-2 days. That is $3000-$6000 dollars a year from the service provider.
Reward: Life-long free membership

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