24 results found displaying 13-15
Full Light Range Cameras Printer Friendly Version
All cameras have a limited amount of defintion, clarity, and details in images, due to the fact that definition in different light ranges disappear when in bright or dim light. In dim light all bright definition is lost and in bright light you can't see any defintion in the dark areas. I propose that we create cameras (still or movie) that can capture all definition, clarity, and details in all light ranges and conditions (dark, mid-range, and bright). This would beat plasma screens in resolution and even beat the details picked up and captured by the human eye even with the best vision.
This full light range capture is easy to produce. All cameras are now computerized with Charged Coupled Devices (computer chips) to capture light, details, resolution, clarity, and details instead of mechanical parts of the older type cameras of the past but, the image is captured by only one chip. If we add three of these CCD chips (one for each light range) then we cature the entire image instead of just one light range. Right now your most current technologically advanced cameras capture one range at a time. I did research with camera companies and they are only working on resolution and not light ranges. In other words they are not addressing this issue directly.
Reward: Credit

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MedWiki Printer Friendly Version
A website where medical researchers, practitioners (aka doctors) and the public share news and insights on latest happenings on the world of medicine.
Researchers and doctors share their research findings and add information on diseases and treatment options. The content would be reviewed and updated, similar to the wikipedia-style, by fellow researchers and doctors who would gain by publicizing their work and speciality.
The public can get the latest research findings in simple, comprehensible language direct from the research world. For example, they can get information on the efficacy, side effects, etc. of new drugs, to treat hypertension from MedWiki through rss feeds or e-mail alerts.
A win-win partnership created for all three parties - researchers, doctors and public. Are you excited by the idea or is it already out there? I am pretty close to launching the site but I want to know what other people think of it. I sincerely welcome your suggestions and thoughts.

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Wireless Electricity Printer Friendly Version
I was reading a post by someone back in 2005 and some responses doubting the possibility of electric current flowing say for example from a phone charger to a phone. This is a revolutionary concept that researchers have already started working on and I have done some research on this and it is possible.
When two coils have electromagnetic fields with the same resonant frequency (product of induction of the coils and the capacitance plates attached to each end), current can flow from on coil to another or even from one coil to many coils. This is way different than radio ways, and as such reduces fears of people getting electricuted by the current. The current only flows between these mediums with electromagnetic forces around the coils and same frequency. In november 2007, some experiments were carried out by some researchers but they could only achieve electric transfers between devices about 7 feet apart. At least we know that the possiblity exists but we now need to improve on this technology to be able to leave your cell phone at home and still charge it a block away. This would mean a completely wireless world.
Please share your thoughts on this and lets improve our world.
Reward: partaking in any projects relating to this.

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