15 results found displaying 13-15
Industrial parks designed for workers Printer Friendly Version
Since we all spend a fair amount of time at work, why not design industrial parks with facilities for workers? Things that may not be affordable for a single company might be much more cost effective if shared by all the companies in the park. I am thinking of things like a gym, day care center, small park or first class cafeteria.
One advantage to company owners would be to provide a place where workers could spend their lunch hour without worrying about taking too much time. Another advantage would be from the business contacts generated from casual meetings.
Reward: Employment at one of these places

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Surprise Birthday Printer Friendly Version
Ever tried to organize a surprise birthday for a friend? Well, the huge problem about surprise birthday parties is that they never actually come as a surprise - people KNOW when they have birthday, so if someone takes you to a surprise place on your birthday, it isn't very hard to guess what's gonna happen.
Introduce the REAL surprise birthday. Let the government give everyone a random surprise birthday that changes on a yearly basis. Make the info available to everyone except the person celebrating his/her birthday. Will solve other problems, too, e.g. people heading for a round birthday won't have time for a midlife crisis. Also, people whose birthday used to be in December will get a fair chance to celebrate it when it's nice and warm.
Reward: Throw a surprise birthday party for me.

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Device to open/close expandable dining table Printer Friendly Version
I wish I had a device that would make it easy for one person to open and close the kind of expandable dining room table that has leaves (boards) that can be added to the center. I'm picturing some kind of gear mechanism that would help two pairs of padded wooden blocks to push the closed table halves apart, after they'd been slightly separated initially by padded wedges. The same gears could be used to close the table using cords with padded clamps at the ends. The cords would be wound up as the halves of the table came together. A fair amount of force would be required for both operations, since many tables are set on carpeting that makes it difficult for the halves to slide, even if they're on wheels.
Reward: I really really need one!

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