61 results found displaying 13-15
Braille output monitor Printer Friendly Version
There is a lot of software that give out an audible output of what is a computer monitor screen for the blind. There seems to be no reference to a tactile output pad that reproduces text in braille as well as graphics as raised dots.
The output 'screen' can be a pad lying on the table with a matrix of equally spaced pins, which are at surface level and rise above the surface on activation
The technology exists (rather outmoded) as dot matrix printers. Enhancements can be thought of by adding peltier feefct diodes which change the temperature of the tip of the 'dots', which could be used to convey colour or emphasis. A hot dot can represent red for example.
This is likely to provide a more satisfying interaction than just an audio output.
Reward: None

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In-Focus Laptop Printer Friendly Version
My idea is to create laptops with an In-Focus projector built on the back side of the screen (the cover), so that when people go to board rooms or perhaps in a classroom, they just have to carry one piece of equipment. The laptop will have the presentation software and the presentation ready to go and all they have to do is switch views so it is projected on the wall as well. Maybe Dell or Compaq already has this in the works, but if they don't they should jump all over it. Maybe this would be a great addition to the Tablet PC.
Reward: Getting the product for free would be nice and maybe use my picture for the default background on the desktop.

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Double Screen Laptop Printer Friendly Version
What the advertising and marketing business needs are laptops that have 2 screens. One for the user and one to run advertising on. The advertiser would pay the user for running advertising of its product while the machine is being operated in public places. GPS software could keep track of the machine only when the user wanted it to and only to verify that it is in a public place, like a Starbucks, library or airport. The posibilities are endless.
Reward: The knowledge that a Robin C. Morgan idea was being used...and free ice cream. A bananan split. A nice one. Ben and Jerry's.

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