26 results found displaying 13-15
Digital hand-held nutritional monitor Printer Friendly Version
A portable hand-held device that incorporates a digital bar-code reader, memory for data storage, and usb port could be used with appropriate programming to monitor nutritional intake with real-time convenience. The reader would allow a user to scan the product's bar code for identificantion of the food, and then search its database for "nutrition-fact" data for the product to give a running total of nutritional intake over a day or other time increment.
This would require a digital database of packaged foods with their "nutrition facts" on the device, and also ideally easily downloadable updates for users. Periodic updating of the database through the usb port would allow new products to be added or old ones modified. The ability to select generic foods, like fruits, vegetables and meats, easily would be necessary.
A desirable feature would be to allow users to program a diet and download it to the device, so that a running total of calories, carbs, proteins, fats, etc. could be maintained through the day, and even suggestions made about foods that would stay within the diet for a given meal. Uploading of actual intake data from day-to-day could be used for longer term assessment and correlations to weight-loss or other health issues like diabetes, or high cholesterol levels.
Reward: Healthier people.

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Bottle Balcony Printer Friendly Version
Most people who enjoy the advantages of a balcony not only use it to sit outside in summer, but also to store food and drinks during the cold season.
Obviously, the unfortunate people who don't have a balcony won't be able to sit outside of their windows in summer, but that doesn't mean they can't store their food and drink outside! Introduce the bottle balcony, a safe and easy-to-mount construction that will give you some extra storage space underneath your window.
Reward: One of those, please!

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Digital Film Roll Printer Friendly Version
How about a Digital Film Roll cartridge for a standard manual SLR Camera that can replace your conventional 35mm film roll... The digital cartridge could have parts which would fool the manual SLR to believe that the roll is real... i.e., wind the roll in place after every exposure, unwind etc. The cartridge would consist of a battery unit, storage space, exposure transfer screen/pad, roll advance sensor. The battery and storage is shaped like a standard film roll atttached to a screen, which registers the exposure through manual/normal operation of the camera, and the forward movement sensor fools the camera that the picture has been taken. The battery and storage unit would have necessary sockets for transferring photographs to the computer. Such an equipment could save development and processing cost of photographs.
Reward: free of cost!

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