24 results found displaying 19-21
Immersive reality for Second Life Printer Friendly Version
Recent research has shown that a simulated out-of-body experience is easily induced by presenting a binocular view of another's surroundings to an observer (see reference 1 below). By presenting slightly different angles to the left and the right eye, a stereoscopic effect can be induced. Second life is a growing online community that would potentially be interested in immersive virtual reality, and there could be money to be made by enhancing their online experience. Using an infrared sensor similar to the Wii remote would provide head tracking to communicate with the software (see reference 2) in a more realistic way.

1. Binocular display

2. Infrared sensor for head movement tracking simlilar using Wii remote hack. (see reference 2)
1. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/12/02/health/02mind.html?scp=2&sq=mind&st=cse
2. http://www.ted.com/index.php/talks/johnny_lee_demos_wii_remote_hacks.html

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Hybrid highways Printer Friendly Version
My idea is simple, use our highways to generate electricity using telsa coils towers. Nikola tesla has done the research, now its time to put it into play.
It has been proven that electrical energy can be progated around the world, between the surface of the earths sphere at extreme low frequencies. In what is known as the schumann cavity. So the concept is to place the tesla coil towers along side these hybrid highways, but because the schumann cavity surrounds the earth between ground level and extends upward to a maximum of 80 kilometers, you can have hybrid highways in detroit generating electricity for cars, houses, and buniness world-wide and locally.

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Lighting up the Walls at Night Printer Friendly Version
Wonder if this idea might work.
Invent a paint that has a plastic or glass fibre base. The idea is that when it is painted on a wall a light source from a point can light up the paint thus illuminating the wall.
The effect is similar to fibre optics and some plastic strands which have been shown to be able to trap and channel light shone through its cross section.
This idea needs in-depth research but if successful the result can be most interesting.
Reward: Engage me as a inventor :-)

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