39 results found displaying 25-27
 United Kingdom
Primary School Climbing Frame Printer Friendly Version
Children in primary school typically want to climb on the roof. Usually this is a dreadful crime, but must it be?
What about a low, single-story primary school with a roof garden/ playground accessed by ladders, rope ladders, fireman's poles and slides that all lead down into classrooms, the playground, or a central courtyard? There could be wobbly rope bridges from one classroom to another, jungle swings across the courtyard, and whatever else the architect's imagination can dream up?
Reward: The pleasure of seeing it built and enjoyed.

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Chlorophyll solar panel Printer Friendly Version
To sum it up quickly, I will spare you the high school science class info. Basically my idea is to use synthtic chlorophyll, first synthesized by Robert Woodward in 1960 at Harvard University, to make a photo cell capable of producing useable amounts of energy. I'm not the smartest guy but I imagine there are two major problems.
1- Since chlorophyll is being made by plants regularly, I assume it degrades over time. There would need to be a way to either stop degradation completely (sounds very difficult if not impossible) or replenish it at a consistent rate.

2- Change how chlorophyll makes energy. Not sure how this would work exactly, but somehow alter chlorophyll to produce a type of energy capable of being stored in batteries.
I'm not sure if this idea is even possible, but if a "green" solar panel was made, it would be very easy to market. Thanks for reading this, any additional input would be appreciated.

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Fashion colored/scented breath, farts, and sweat Printer Friendly Version
Create a material (solid, liquid, gas) which will react with human exhaled breath, sweat, and even farts that adds color and/or pleasant smell. Market to teenagers first. Imagine Jessica and Jennifer meeting at a school in the morning, each asking "what breath do you have today?" "Look, I have the new Passion Pink" (girl exhales a visible, pink, sweet smelling temporary puff of air) "Cool!" Now for the boys..."Jason, check out my new diesel fart!" (RRrrrippp) "Wicked! It's black!"
Reward: First samples of Florescent Green breath blasts.

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