360 results found displaying 28-30
Permanently Infused Scented Plastics Printer Friendly Version
Have you ever brought home a new DVD, CD, or plastic product and noticed just how strong the smell was? Pretty strong right? Well, plastics can hold scents for about 2000 years and that's 2000 years longer than all those new Glade Plug-Ins and scented oils and candles that currently mask odors or provide a nice spring fresh scent to any room for us. The products of today only last a week or month and then you need to go out and buy new ones or buy refills.
What if we infuse a strong but nice fragrance into plastic discs or some other form and apply indirect heat from an outlet or battery?

We don't even necessarily need to apply a heat source to scented plastics in order to have a strong odor from them. Then we have a scent that will produce the same results as today's smells but, will last for years. A new concept but a plausable solution to our smelly problems. We could make any plastic object or product like scented cat litter boxes to outdoor or indoor furniture. Anything plastic ever made could hold a strong and pleasent scent anywhere we want it, in any product made.
Reward: Any product with a good smell from this idea on plastics.

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Complete Home Time Reset Printer Friendly Version
Develop a device which will broadcast the correct time to all electronic devices in the home after a power outage and at Daylight Savings time changes. The receiving devices would include VCR's, DVR's, ovens, TV's, alarm clocks, coffee makers, pool pumps, spas, setback thermostats, sprinkler systems, burgler alarm systems, phone answering machine, etc. The source of the correct time could be a cheap GPS time receiver or a sattelite TV receiver. The broadcast medium would be wireless or the electric power cables.
Reward: Implementation of the idea.

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Increasing battery life Printer Friendly Version
The new MacBook Pros by Apple have LED screens, instead of the traditional LCD screen. LED screens consume much less power, therefore increasing battery life. How about doing the same for the mobile phones' screens?
In fact, why not changing ALL the screens in every electronic device to LEDs?
By the way, I posted another idea yesterday about kinetic wireless mouse for the computer, and I think it could be generalized to almost every kind of electronic device. I'll explain.
Some wrist watches have no battery, they just have a small electricity generator made out of a small moving magnet attached to a soneloid and a capacitor. I own one such watch. :-) They are generally known as "kinetic".
Why not use the same kind of electricity generator/accumulator for mobile phones, for wireless mice, for whatever that moves and consumes electricity. We humans move all the time, we should be taking advantage of all that motion to generate (environmental-friendly) electricity.
Reward: As a reward for these ideas I just want one item of each of these products, i.e., one "kinetic" self-charging mobile phone; one "kinetic" wireless mouse, etc. I guess it's only fair. :-)

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