62 results found displaying 28-30
Revised Keyboard Printer Friendly Version
Did you know that standard letters on a keyboard are not set up to make it easier to type but the opposite. They were arranged early in the 1900's to make it the hardest to use for a specific odd reason and that has never changed?
If we arrange the letters around and place the letters used most (for instance) at the easiest point to type them then we would have a better and faster keyboard. I say we go a step further and rearrange the entire keyboard (not just letters) and add extra enter buttons, space bars etc. in different areas making multiple spots for the easiest places to hit the keys when and where appropriate. Also, I would like to not have to program all the function keys to do different things but combine certain used combinations of keys into one key, like one key for Control/Alt/Delete and other commands. The faster we can work the more gets done!
Reward: To make typing easier...

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Automotive teeneager switch Printer Friendly Version
A system that allows you to "switch" your vehicle to a "teenager mode". This would consist of a speed limiter for the engine so you can control vehicle speed, sensors on the seats to see if there are more passengers than allowed, and a GPS system that you can pre-program to set off an alarm (in the car and at home) if the vehicle enters and restricted area (ie. certain parts of town etc.) With teenage driving deaths at an alltime high, I feel this would be embraced by the insurance industry.
Reward: the actual product

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nicholas anthony
Smart Cell Phone Printer Friendly Version
Many people go to certain places (ex. church, school, work) that require them to turn off their cell phones. Normally people attend these places on specific times and days. Why doesn't somebody make a program that will automatically turn off their cell phones (or turn vibrate on) during the specific days and times individuals are attending church, school, work, etc., so the individual doesn't have to. They would input the day and time they normally turn off their phone, and can forget about having embarrassing moments when their ring tone goes off in school or church.
Reward: The product and upgrades (and please notify me if you do this).

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