72 results found displaying 52-54
Double Boiler Bath Tub Printer Friendly Version
Why let your bathwater go, or run, cold with you in it. Or have to pour more and more expensive hot water in when you can stay at what ever temperature you choose.
A cheaper alternative to a Hot Tub or Jakuzi and it fits your current bathroom size now. Just dial the temperature and it stays hot forever or at least until you want out. I want one now, since 10 or 15 minutes is all the hot water I get. What about Hours of hot water drawn from one tub of water. Saves money and time.
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Graded water uses Printer Friendly Version
Make bathing platform at a higher level with run off collected in a WC which could be used to flush toilet. It will save a lot of fresh water.

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Shower water recycling. Printer Friendly Version
In Australia we have a big water shortage problem with lots of great ideas about desalination and grey-water recycling flying around, but the only way to collect and re-use shower water is to put buckets in the shower with you or start replumbing. Theres got to be a better plan.
I'm thinking along the lines of a 10cm high X 90cm X 90cm plastic storage box that fits in the shower recess with a nice teak top to stand on and an inbuilt hand top. Bilge pump to empty the water as required. Overflow would still go down the usual drain and I estimate it could hold up to 80 litres or 10 buckets worth. Grey water can be used on plants and shouldn't be stored so the plan would require it to be self draining too.

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