72 results found displaying 67-69
Detachable toothbrush bristles Printer Friendly Version
Most of us change our toothbrush when the bristles get damaged after lot of brushing. So here is the idea - in this toothbrush we can detach the old bristle head and attach a new bristle head to the stem of the toothbrush. When somebody want to market this here is how to do it--this whole case consits of toothbrush along with two or three detachable bristle head. So how is it? If it's already present before then somebody market it in India got a huge market for it.
Reward: put a low price tags for this toothbrush so everyone can buy

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Jaccuzi Clothes Washer Printer Friendly Version
Why buy "Oxy-Clean" which is expensive, physical, air passing through fibers of cloth when you could just add hundreds or thousands of microscopic bubbles through and get that same cleaning power every time with no worries.

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Traveling diet body scales Printer Friendly Version
A digital body weight scale that is no bigger than 20cm x 10cm x 3cm. It could have a ruggedized LCD for readouts, or simply incorporate a bluetooth chip and send the results to your cellphone or laptop.
The way I envision it working, is that you put it on the floor and balance on top of the device on one foot. When the scale has gotten a constant and steady strain for over 1 second it gives a beep, at which point you can pick it up and read the results, or as I said, they could be bluetoothed to another device.
For people who weigh themselves daily, yet need to travel, this would be great: digital body scales are pretty inexpensive, but currently they are all big and bulky. I don't see why the strain gauge technology used in them couldn't be packaged in a travel package.
Reward: At least one device for free.

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