209 results found displaying 112-114
Universal spare tire Printer Friendly Version
I searched google, and it looks like there is a universal spare tire already in production. However, they could also be stocked at strategic locations along the roads; at locations like emergency phone / wireless internet connections. By not having to carry a spare tire, gas will be saved.
Reward: See it implemented

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Automatic sander for autos Printer Friendly Version
A device that would retro-fit onto the front wheel wells of cars and trucks that would hold a small container of sand which could be activated during icy road conditions when brakes are applied. The sand would disperse in front of the tire allowing for better traction. This device would also assist in sanding roads for motorists without the device. Purdy easy to do n' might just save a few fender benders.
Reward: An ice cream cone...unsanded of course.

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Ultraviolet Automotive Headlamp Emitter Printer Friendly Version
I propose that new vehicles be equipped with an ultraviolet (black light) system which will luminess road signs and pavement markers. These items would be coated with a flourescent type paint which illuminates under UV light. The headlamps would also not blind oncoming drivers. This, or course, would be in addition to the normal headlamp system.
Reward: Product For Free And Safer Highways.

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