209 results found displaying 124-126
Folding crew cab seat Printer Friendly Version
I would love to see a crew cab truck that has seats that are designed to fold out into a bed. I sometimes have to sleep in my truck and if there was a work truck designed so I could stretch my legs while sleeping inside it would make my neck much happier.
Reward: less chiropracter apppointments.

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Future speed limits Printer Friendly Version
People speed, we all do it but we know its wrong. Every act we take in life has consequences and we shouldn't get away with speeding.
When you purchase a vehicle you have to give your credit card information just like when you register a new phone. Newer cars all come with GPS that can calculate your exact speed. If you decide to speed you are automatically charged 1 cent / second times KM/h over the limit you are. For example if you are driving 10Km/h over the limit you are charged 10cents /second. $6/min.
Cuts cost to tax payers in the form of additional police officers needed and radar equipment / definitely safer / could reduce accidents? In emergency situations where you need to speed (should be never) you will automatically accept the additional cost.
I thought of this when thinking about the future of autonomous vehicles that will eventually drive us around and this type of thing won't be necessary. However, while autonomous vehicles will be automatically going the speed limit, people who do not wish to adopt this technology will continue to drive above the speed limit, putting everyone else in danger. This type of penalty could positively influence these people to adopt autonomous technology if its not made mandatory in the first place.
What do you think? I understand there would be colossal cost to implement this but I am thinking 10 -20 years down the road (pun) when technology has progressed.

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Independent Brake System for Passenger Bus Printer Friendly Version
In my country, there are a lot incidents where passenger buses drive of a cliff due to brake failure. My idea is to develop an independent braking system that could be integrated in to the passenger bus.

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