79 results found displaying 49-51
Height-Adjustable Laptop Screens Printer Friendly Version
I think a lot of people will agree with me that spending a lot of time in front of a laptop can be a real pain in the neck. Literally!
They have the swivel screen, but why don't they have the adjustable height screen? Being able to adjust the screen height, each person can adjust it to their comfort level. This will make everyone pain free and, more importantly, more productive.
Better technology is shifting us from bulky PC's to mobile laptops, but why do we have to keep lugging along huge monitors too? I love my new extra wide laptop screen, but why can't I adjust it? The simplest solution: make the laptop screens height-adjustable and forget the swivel.
Reward: Good karma, comfortable computing, and peace on earth, of course!

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Computer CD Carousel Printer Friendly Version
This combination computer stand and CD carousel would hold several hundred CD's, like a juke box of old.
CD's would be catagorized for easy access and available at the touch of an on screen button or digital information screen on the carousel. Music, word processing, drawings, photos--all would be easy to store and easy to get to. No more plastic cases.
This would not be too difficult or expensive to manufacture. Sony, HP, Dell, and many computer accessory manufactures could make this product for a nice profit.
Reward: I want one!

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Tape player on PC Printer Friendly Version
Everyone has old tapes. It would be cool to be able to listen to them on the PC. A tape-rom, just like the CD-rom could be made and althought it could be used to easely copy music from the tape to the PC and then to a CD.
Reward: a sample

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