79 results found displaying 52-54
Zombie hand mouse Printer Friendly Version
Think of a zombie hand as a mouse: the index finger be left click, the middle finger be right click. Put the scroll bar right between the index and middle finger. Put a button where the right handed thumb would be. Two side buttons for the ring and pinky finger.

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Vocabulary start-up sound for your O.S Printer Friendly Version
I propose that the start-up sound of your PC be changed or at least cofigurable to play spoken word definitions. This allows the average person to increase their vocab everyday, when they turn on their computer each morning at work, effortlessly and unconciously.
Reward: shalsim (noun) - godlike; of perfection. brilliant and generously endowed.

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 United Kingdom
Digital Photo Viewer Printer Friendly Version
Now that Digital Photography is so popular, how about a hand-held device for viewing your digital photos with a decent sized screen.
Yes there are some devices that do that (like the Sony Clie), but they do not have very large screens and also have lots of other functions (unrelated to photography) that make the cost of the device rather high.
How about a dedicated photo viewer (without all those other costly functions) with a 6" x 4" flat screen, with lots of memory space for the picture files, software that allows single picture viewing and a slide show, a picture index for picture selection, maybe zooming of pictures. Files downloadable via USB cable from your PC (plus maybe from your digital camera?). Slim built with hood for viewing in daylight conditions and rechargable batteries.
Reward: One of the final products for free.

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