426 results found displaying 67-69
Telephone Voice Verification Printer Friendly Version
Looking to create a secure environment in nursing home rooms for telephone fraud prevention without the necessity for remembering lengthy passwords or using calling cards with long numbers to dial.
Perhaps a telephone that records the authenticated voice and stores in the unit. Then, no dial tone is given until the voice verification process authenticates the speaker using the telephone.

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Voice Converter Printer Friendly Version
Now, I'm sure some of you have heard of voice changers. But I've got a new concept. It looks like a voice changer, but on this you can record any person's voice, then speak through the tiny mic and you'll sound just like them. You can record up to 4 voices and change them by a little button. It would be battery opperated of course. Just an electronic toy for all ages.
Reward: Hours of fun.

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Cell phone with an in-built breathaliser Printer Friendly Version
Design a cell phone with an in-built breathaliser which will bar the user from making potentially embarassing or abusive calls to unfortunate friends and family when under the influence of alchohol. The phone could be programmed to allow calls to, say, three numbers; taxi, police and pizza.

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