426 results found displaying 82-84
 United Kingdom
CD Track Projector Printer Friendly Version
You've all seen the clocks that project the time onto the ceiling right? Well I'd like my CD player to project the track info onto the ceiling so I can lie on the couch or bed and select my favourite tracks without having to get up to fetch the CD holder and read the info. Would be especially useful with a multi CD player.
Reward: A free player for me please.

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 United Kingdom
Adding depth to photographs Printer Friendly Version
Have you ever used photoshop and spent ages with the magnetic lasso going round the edge of an image you have taken with your digital camera? A camera could be developed that had some kind of depth sensing device, ultrasound maybe, and it could store this information along with the image. When you want to edit the picture you can split the foreground from the background and make automatic layers.
Reward: A camera for me and a friend

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Privacy Option for Mobile Phones Printer Friendly Version
My idea is a cell phone with a privacy option. It comes with a pair of special glasses and, when the privacy option is elected, only the person wearing the glasses can see the display on his phone. This helps to protect one's privacy when traveling in public.
Reward: credit.

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