128 results found displaying 52-54
Stylish waterproof clothes for everyday and every occasion Printer Friendly Version
We need stylish clothes for everyday use that preform as rain gear. Shorts, long pants, jeans, t-shirts, long and short sleeve button down shirts, hats, dress shoes, business suit, peacoat, etc that are water-proof, comfortable to wear all day, and something you would actually want to wear even when it is sunny. Imagine that!

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New Scent for cologne Printer Friendly Version
Have you ever smelled a man's electric razor blades? It is the one and only, nice, totally Masculine Scent. Nothing smells more Masculine than that. It is raw metal, beard hair shavings, skin, added to what ever soap or shaving cream they used. Combine metal, beard hair and skin smell with any other scent and you've got "Man In A Bottle". It can't be beat. I defy you to find something more masculine than that.
I would love to market this one myself but, I do not currently own a company that can manufacture it. I hope you agree with me and make it. I will buy the first ten bottles.
Reward: Credit

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 United Kingdom
Self tightening trousers Printer Friendly Version
No need for belts anymore! With an ingenious device fitted directly into your waist on any pair of trousers. The device itself scans your waist to get the optimum tightness of your trousers therefore eradicating the need for belts.

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