129 results found displaying 40-42
Capsulized liquor Printer Friendly Version
Great for sneeking your own liquor into bars and restaurants. Be the cheap person that I am, I tried my best to sneak in pint bottles so I would not have to pay the premium for my mixed drinks. This however go fairly unattractive in the summer trying to lug a pint bottle in my shorts or jeans.
My idea would be to packetized liquor (obviously not in sizes greater than shot) in a dissolving capsule that would release the liquor when it touches your mixing beverage of choice.
Reward: Some recgonition and some free samples

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stephan d
Childrens spillproof juice bottle cap Printer Friendly Version
This idea is a spillproof bottle cap for young children. It replaces the existing cap on off-the-shelf beverages. The bottle with this cap in place will not release its contents unless a vacuume is present in the nossle (by sucking), so the bottle will not leak from being squeezed. A valve opens with the action of this vacuume.
Reward: impress my mother-in-law

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Stefan Micke
Infrared Detectors for Running Sushi Printer Friendly Version
Ever been to a running sushi bar? It's certainly a beautiful way to have dinner, but somehow I feel I can never fully relax: After all, I have to keep track of the food that's circulating, so I know which is fresh from the kitchen and which has already been on tour for half an hour (yuck!). Infrared binoculars could do the trick, but they are not very handy, and worst of all, they will draw too much attention. I would need a lighter and cheaper version that is adapted solely for this specific purpose.
Reward: Send me one. And don't tell anybody else. If everyone has one of those, they'll be entirely useless!!!

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