129 results found displaying 43-45
Frozen concentrated tea cubes Printer Friendly Version
I wish someone would market frozen concentrated tea cubes in a size that would be suitable for one glass of tea. You could add plain tap water and stir for an instant cold drink. I know that concentrated tea in a jug is available but it tastes more like lemonaid than tea. I think the lemon may be there to help preserve it or to camouflage an off-taste. I think it would not need the lemon if it was frozen. Of course there could be more varieties available - one with just tea, one with lemon, maybe some with fruit flavors like raspberry.
Reward: just to be able to purchase it at the local grocery store

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The Missing Link beverage Printer Friendly Version
Like most men, I love drinking beer, but there are times when I'd rather not. On those rare occasions, I find myself scanning the menu (or searching the local supermarket) for alternatives.
The problem is that if you don't want to give yourself a sugar overdose (=soft drinks), your choice is pretty limited. Non-alcoholic beer usually tastes awful, and apart from that there seems to be no beverage that's neither sweet nor contains alcohol. Fruit juices are sweet as well, spending the evening drinking water isn't the most exciting perspective and the few other choices (Kombucha?!) cost a fortune.
I think it's high time that someone invents a beverage that's reasonably priced and fills the gap between soft drinks and beer.
Reward: Free supplies of the new beverage

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Flashing (Day-Glow Color) Fiber Optic Wearable Straws Printer Friendly Version
Laser (Day-Glow color) fiber optic double straws that swirl the whole body and come out, both, at one finger or two at the hand or fingers.

Store the liquid at the laser and when the straw is sucked, it pressurizes a pump, at the leg or foot wear and the laser follows the liquid drink.
Reward: Aaron Steven Burns

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