129 results found displaying 52-54
Michael D. Grissom
Chill-Quick can cooler Printer Friendly Version
Most of us know how to put a warm can of soda or beer on top of the ice and slowly roll 'walk' it with index and middle finger for 4 minutes to make it ice cold. Just putting it in the freezer would take about 25~35 minutes. Why not build a battery operated set of soft rubber rollers to simulate your fingers. This would work in the freezer ice tray, a bowl of ice, or your favorite cooler on the beach.

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Paper Utensils Printer Friendly Version
Why make plastic utensils when paper can be just as durable? It makes no sense to make something to be thrown away every time you use them, when they can be replaced by a cheaper, bio-degradable, environmentally sound product that would hold up to hours of use. Paper can have many uses, but this is the best one. They make the paper plate, but forgot to make the rest out of paper. The knife, the fork, the spoon, the spork and everything else,could be paper, and then we would have a set that would just rot and never cause a problem to us, ever.
You always see the plastic utensils, around the garbage cans where they are supposed to be inside and then, someone comes along and breaks it, making hundreds of little garbage, waste, pieces of plastic, that can never be collected and litter the ground forever. It is also not safe for animals to have plastic in their stomachs when they come to eat the garbage we leave behind. If everything was paper then it would all be digestable as well. It would solve so many problems that there isn't room to write them all here but, when you compare plastic to paper, you obviously know the right answer to the best choice. It's Paper Utensils!
Reward: Credit

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Liquid Food Printer Friendly Version
Instead of meal replacement drinks, why not have the actual meal. We could have anything from Peanut butter sandwiches to full turkey dinners including the pie in liquid form. Saves time and you only need to throw away cans instead of cleaning up a big messy table with plates and cups.
Reward: Credit

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