129 results found displaying 115-117
Aerosol Condiments/Food Products Printer Friendly Version
Have you ever tried to put a knife in mayonaise or peanut butter and the handle comes out dirty and so does your hand?
Well if they can put relish in a squeeze tube then we can improve a sqeeze tube and its functionality by adding an aerosol-type can filled with any thing imagineable, avoiding a mess and not having to try and sqeeze a darn tube of something. This beats the sqeeze tube by being more effective and efficient and is less messy!
Reward: To have the cheese aerosol can companies branch out!

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Disposable Fast food nipples and sippy cups Printer Friendly Version
My idea is to have disposable nipples that screw onto kids milk jugs at fast food restaurants. Restaurants can keep these on hand just as they do straws and lids for regular disposable cups. I also would like to see disposable sippy cup lids that latch onto the regular disposable cups. I am a mother and found this would be helpful when I forgot to bring my childs bottle or sippy cup.
Reward: Recognition

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Eraser Gum Printer Friendly Version
Any flavor or type of gum made to feel like you're chewing on an eraser for fun or to fullfill your eraser chewing fetish (many people; about two out of five I would say have eraser chewing fetishes). But this gum is fomulated to activate the ingredients in it while you chew it wet then it turns into an actual eraser (when it dries) that you can erase pencil mistakes and other eraseables with. We just add a type of rubber to the gum.
Reward: A substantial supply for my personal use.

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