129 results found displaying 127-129
Waterproof Chips Printer Friendly Version
Remember this song... "you can't eat chips in the rain, no matter how hard you try..." - forgot the title, anyway. How about creating waterproof (or at least water-resistant) potato chips? It would also help solve one of the other unsolved challenges of mankind, namely how to safely eat chips in the bathtub. Currently it's high-risk business - the slightest slip of the hand, and those chips are toast (or mush more precisely).
The coating (preferrably something edible, not teflon) could also add to the texture of the chip (e.g. make it more crunchy), so you could kill two birds with a stone.

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Food-holding Bib Printer Friendly Version
This is simply a bib that includes a space to hold some food. You could also add a cup holder for it to hold beverages. Care would need to be taken to avoid spills, especially when a person bends down (the bib should swing from the neck). Also consider how it would fit on ladies. Even small breasts could interfere with the fit.
I think this could be made at home with a food grade plastic container if it is large enough and has one side that is flat and reasonably wide. You would just cut it up leaving the wide flat side and two or three inches of the bottom intact (side cuts should be a 45 degree angle down and away from the bib to prevent bending between it and the bowl). Then make holes for a rope at the top and thread it through and knot it at the ends to make the part that would hang over your head (make sure it's big enough to fit). You could bolt together the sides of several containers for a wider bib with more than one compartment.
This would be great to hand out to guests at parties. You could have people wear different dips and approach each other to try some. It could really cut down on the need for space on a buffet table too.
Reward: Post an instructable explaining how to make on one and where to find the containers

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Stubby, Square Vodka Bottle Printer Friendly Version
Vodka should be sold in a bottle sized and shaped to fit on a freezer door. Duh!
Reward: Free vodka, and calling the generic bottle shape a "pammy"

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