94 results found displaying 85-87
Nasal Breath Strip Glue Printer Friendly Version
Instead of using a breathing strip with the spring action of the strip being bent, you simply replace that with a type of removeable glue that shrinks more than a standard glue and when you paint it on across the bridge of your nose; the shrinking will have the same outward pulling effect as the strip, but the glue will not fall or easily pull off, making it a superior product than a breathing strip to open nasal passages at night to breathe easier. This product should be packaged with the glue remover. And you could probably paint your whole nose for best results and in any color as well!
Reward: A relatively normal supply.

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Smoker Therapy Printer Friendly Version
I've always heard that it's difficult to quit smoking even if you want to. Here's my suggestion: spend a voluntary night in hospital between two heavy smokers who look like skin and bones and are receiving treatment for severe cancer. Have their ex-wives walk in and let them chat for hours about their smoking habits, the surgery they already had, the size and looks of ulcers and the joys of chemotherapy. Have the smokers moan and groan from pain all night long.
I swear this would be much more effective than the warnings they put on cigarettes nowadays. And hospitals could earn some extra money buy offering this as a special to smokers who want to quit.
This has actually happened to me when I got my tonsils out. Unfortunately I didn't smoke in the first place.

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New Blood Printer Friendly Version
Since our blood carries oxygen around, heals us and is basically one of the essential things that keeps us alive, why not improve on it? We can make new organs, why not new blood. Blood that cannot get infected, that has a better oxygen dispersal, that can fight off any disease and maybe we could even have different colors!
Reward: Recognition and a few pints of my own. and maybe a night out with Jennifer Love Hewitt.

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