94 results found displaying 10-12
Vibrating Wrist Watch Reminder Printer Friendly Version
I would like to see some company make a wrist watch that could be set to alarm every 15 minutes, or every 4 hours, or whatever intervals were needed. It should vibrate rather than sound so that it would remain a private matter to the individual and also would not disturb others. It could be set to vibrate every 15 minutes to remind you to tighten your stomach muscles, or whatever muscles needed to be exercised on a regular basis. Or it could be set for every 4 hours, 6 hours, or whatever intervals you needed to remember to take your medications.
Reward: a lifetime supply of free vibrating alarm wrist watches

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Lung Cleaning Inhaler Printer Friendly Version
An inhaler for cleaning the lungs. A moisterizer that takes out carbon staining and has an expectorant to help clear the lung tissue of irritants. You could add cold medicine for upper respitory infections, colds, or flus. Preventing Bronchitis or Pneumonia or death. Or for people with congestive heart failure it could help remove liquids and fluids out of the lungs with some adjustments in the inhalent formula. An inhaler could be specified for any ailment such as dry lung, lung cancer, or emphasema or whatever the problem, you could add the medication in inhaleable form.
Reward: Credit

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3-D sound picture for the blind Printer Friendly Version
Polaroid Land use an ultrasonic auto focussing system. They also sell this alone as an experimental kit.
If two of these can be used on the whitcane used by the blind or on a helmet that the blind can wear, it should be possible to produce a stereo sound 'Image' of the surrounding. A far away object can produce a lower volume signal while a nearer one produces a higher volume sound. A larger object can produce a lower (Bass) note while a smaller object can produce a higher pitched sound. Even moving objects can be detected by adding a Doppler shift. An object going away will produce a descending scale, while an oncoming object can produce an ascending scale.
Microprocessors are quite cheap. Single chip audio amps are in plenty. All components are freely available.
It should help a lot of blind people to get a better "view" of their surroundings.
Since some of the objects themselves produce sounds, and this intereres, it is a simple matter to wear a pair of ear phones that get their input only from the sonar echo sounder.
Reward: Ideas are dime a dozen. Getting them to work is back breaking. The gadget will be helpful to people. Let the maker get her/his reward.

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