78 results found displaying 16-18
Toaster alarm clock Printer Friendly Version
Someone should invent an alarm clock that is built into a toaster. At night you can set the alarm for a time and when it reaches that time it starts to toast the bread that you put in the night before. It should also have some way of waking you up. Such as gentle music or something.
Reward: Free toaster

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Toaster Alarm Printer Friendly Version
A toaster that has a nice but LOUD alarm that lasts longer than a little "ding" to alert you that your toast is up.
Reward: Getting one for nothing. Our toast gets forgotten a lot.

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At Home Waiter Test Printer Friendly Version
A self-contained, plastic, cylinder that has a gel that settles after 3 minutes. Graduated to tell how steady you carry it to a table. Practice for the real thing. This tools markings would determine your equilibrium, balance, and flexibility. It has multiple applications.

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