340 results found displaying 13-15
Waiter Call Button Printer Friendly Version
In a busy restaurant, we always have trouble getting a hold of a waiter. All tables should have a call button, like you would find on an airplane. This would make life easy for both the client and the waiter.
Reward: Recognition

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Room Rounder Printer Friendly Version
We seem to spend the majority of our time in square environments filled with 90 degree right angles. A standard room in a typical live/work structure is designed with walls joined together at 90 degree angles (ie. a square room with 4 walls). I once heard of a study which found that people tend to feel more 'creative' and relaxed in curvilinear or 'natural' environments. It makes sense to me that 'we' as creative 'beings' would function better in environments that would better support our inherent nature.
I propose a floor to ceiling rounded (concave) 'corner insert' for the home or office transforming ones interior space into a 'softer' more creative environment. People would install the 'Room Rounder' after market without the help of a contractor.
Reward: credit

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The Danger Card Printer Friendly Version
Create a business which, for a small fee, will file a legally binding statement in which you waive your right to sue anybody for anything. You'll get a card saying something like: "I am my own person. I am responsible for my own actions. I will never blame another for my mistakes or for my misfortunes. I will not expect others to protect me from harm or from any kind of loss. I am my own person. I am <first name> "Danger" <last name>." The idea is that businesses could save themselves a great deal of worrying about stupid lawsuits, lawsuit insurance. A Danger person might be allowed to go to places where most regular shmucks are forbidden. Want to buy yourself some antibiotics, or some experimental drug that is not FDA approved? Go ahead. Want to swim in shark-infested waters? Ok. Want to jump off the Golden Gate bridge? No problem. Want to help your mechanic fix your car? Sure. Just show your card. And how about giving discounts to Danger people? Or "Danger-card-only" establishments? Businesses will save money by not having to pay outrageous sums in lawsuits to stupid people who think others own them something, so why not pass the savings on? Put some Danger in your life and some Danger in your middle name! Go get your "Danger" card today!

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