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Eye Lighter Printer Friendly Version
So, this is for all the modern, edgy, punk youth out there. Or possibly weird, zany, old people. Basically, it's just coloring highlighter on your eyelids as eyeshadow. It's very cool. It brings out the color of your eye with he contrast. I tried it on my friend, and the only advise I can give you, if you try it, is to avoid rubbing it in your eyes!
If I were to ever make this idea into something, I would start by calling it EyeLighter. Get it, the play on words... Anyway, then of course, I would make it non-toxic and least harmful, but as close to a highlighter marker semblence as possible.
And to top it off, I would keep it in the shape of a pen, but maybe shorter and more compact, to make it easy to fit into a purse or pocket. Watch out! I see it in the future becoming the next new fad!

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Liquid Wax Crayon Pens Printer Friendly Version
What would be better than a regular crayon? One that fully saturates the paper in full vibrant colors that fully cover a page and leave no lines behind. Very little effort to use a liquid wax crayon pen that brings out the best colors ever. Just like a pen or ink the pen can come in different sizes and they could glow in the dark or be flourescent colors or any kind of materials added to the wax. This product is related to different paints and white out type products that can be flow controlled. A mixture of powderized wax particles in a drying adhesive type catalyst or delivery system.
You wouldn't need heat to melt the wax since it is infused (in powderized form) into a pen type delivery system. The delivery system is similar to chemically melting the powderized wax like you can take off finger nail polish or paint with a minimum of fumes given off of the chemical. Very easy to melt the wax without endangering anyone with heat to melt the wax. The color would also beat colored pencils in brightness and all other qualities. A better crayon and fun for all!
Reward: Yearly set of these for life!

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Children's book with toy figures Printer Friendly Version
I have a 17th month old that absolutely loves to read books. His favorite books are those with the pop up pictures as well as books with magnet puzzles pieces. The only issue with the pop ups is that he absolutely destroys all of them by pulling the pop up characters out rendering the book useless.
Well I think I have an idea. This book would combine both a pop up aspect with a puzzel piece.
When I was younger there us to be these small capsules that once placed into a glass of water the capsule would grow into some kind of animal, character, etc. they were sponges. With that in mind the book would have puzzle pieces for the characters and the book would come with a small eye dropper and all you would do would be to add water to the pieces and they would grow. This character that grew out from the book would also be a puzzle piece that could be pulled from the book to be played with on the fridge, the tub, and also be placed back in the book.
Now obviously the book would no longer close but the book could come with a tiny netted bag to keep all your characters in.
The book would have to be water proof but that seems pretty easy in that the books that my son has that have the magnets are a tad thicker with a water proof coating for durability.
This could be applied to all types of books, characters, etc.
Reward: Would love to help create if possible

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