50 results found displaying 40-42
Electro-Fight for Cats Printer Friendly Version
Tired of cat fights? Well, now your pets will have loving and caring relationships. Whenever your cats fight, there will be a device in their collars that gives them an electrical shock so they'll stop.
Reward: Two free ones for me and my cats

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A Dastardly Invention to Control Cats Printer Friendly Version
Tired of raucously fighting and mating cats waking you up at two am in the morning?
How about this dastardly scheme to keep cats in their homes at night - I am sure all cat owners will appreciate this one! I need someone to invent a mechanism whereby, when a cat triggers a tripwire, about half a bucket of harmless to cats but very indelible red dye tips onto the cat. Dripping with red dye, it wanders off home, in through the cat door, and walks all over the owner’s carpets leaving a trail of indelible red footprints, and as an added bonus, curls up on the owner’s best bedspread. If many people in suburbia set these cat-dyeing devices out at night in their back yards, I’m sure most cat owners would soon decide to keep their cats indoors at night.
And now, with my white lab coat on and chuckling manically to myself, it’s back to my master plan to seize the night back from those fiendish felines and take control of the universe!

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The Greatest Video Game Eva! Printer Friendly Version
Do you love animals? Tell me...how many times have you brought a game and the graphics were lame? Well think of this new game as reality. You can actually help the animals. Just think that in this game you could deliver animal babies, give pets shots and you could do just about anything a vet could. And get this: you could even go to school where you learn new interesting facts about the job as a vet. Now I know to most people this game idea is boring, but others who like animals like me would love this game.( there would be awesome graphics !)
Reward: I can't really offer you anything,sorry.All I can say is that from this game idea there will come a great game that hopefully everyone will love.

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