50 results found displaying 49-50
Spider cows Printer Friendly Version
Seeing the new tech CRISPR and it's possibilities are possibly endless. I was thinking the glands of a spider to produce high tensile strength silk to be enlarged to be incorporated into the cow for it to be farmed.

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Horse manure shredder Printer Friendly Version
The idea is to shred horse manure in place rather than picking it up and dumping it in a pile. I envision using a weed eater (string or blade trimmer) to shred the pile. There should be a shroud to keep the crap from flying all over, like a bucket over the head of the trimmer with a chute directing the poop away from the operator. Place the shrowded trimmer over the poop, pull the trigger and the pile is shredded and shot out the side of the shrowd. There really is a market for this - ask any horseman.
Reward: Would just love to have one for my own use.

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