105 results found displaying 73-75
 New Zealand
Text Condenser Printer Friendly Version
Text condensing for text messaging. I've heard of predictive text for cell phones, this is kinda the reverse. I've often found myself running out of text space and going back and condensing/abreviating words to squeeze a couple more in. This wouldn't be a problem if there were more spaces available for text per message, OR, if there was a text condensing tool on my phone.
Reward: a phone with this service on it!

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Mini USB Converter for iDevices Printer Friendly Version
Most people nowadays have a blackberry, android, or iPhone as their smartphone. As you well know, Android and Blackberry use a mini-USB cable to recharge their batteries whereas Apple has their own unique cable. I propose the creation of a case that holds the backup battery for the iPhone/iPad/iPod and is charged by a mini-USB; when you plug it in, it charges itself and the iDevice.
So, if you ever run out of battery at your friend's house and their phone is powered by a mini-USB cable, you can use their cable to charge your phone and case at the same time. When the battery on your iDevice runs out, you turn the case on and it charges your iDevice from its backup battery. The case also serves the dual-purpose of providing protection against damage.
Reward: a FREE product

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 United Kingdom
Top Up a Friend Printer Friendly Version
Just a simple idea for mobile phones. You and your friends are out, you run out of credit on your mobile phone. You friend says that's okay you give me the cash and I can send you some of my credit from my phone. Your friend calls a special number with passkey etc, types in the phone number he wants to credit, and it's all done. I call it "cross crediting of phones". and that's it
Reward: a nice phone and an 18month subscription free.

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