105 results found displaying 28-30
blue magoo
 United Kingdom
Voice Anoucement Printer Friendly Version
Using todays mobile phones, a simple software upgrade to allow the callers, number, or if stored, name to be annouced when they call. Save you looking at the phone, also great addition to those who are blind or have very poor eyesight.
Reward: Free upgrade to any who can help with the idea. Free to those who are visualy impared.

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Ian Walls
 United Kingdom
Mobile phone auto-disable Printer Friendly Version
It is now possible to use triangulation from base stations to determine the position of a mobile phone. A useful application of this would be to create 'no-phone' zones, where a signal could be sent to the mobile to switch it off when it is within a designated area.
This could apply to theatres, hospitals, military bases: indeed any location where the user is instructed to switch their mobile off.
Reward: No more interuptions in the theatre

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Marianne Niesink
Anti "Off-the-Hook" Telephone Printer Friendly Version
I'm sure it's happened to all of us at one time or another: either you can't phone someone because their phone is off the hook, or you yourself have not replaced the receiver properly, and nobody can reach YOU!
In North America, a loud tone sounds when this happens, but it only lasts for a couple of minutes. After that you could walk right past your phone and still not know that it was off the hook. A great invention would be a flashing light (or a flashing phone!) which would make it easier to notice the problem.
Reward: One of them there new-fangled phones!

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