156 results found displaying 55-57
Charity Personality Printer Friendly Version
My idea is for a website for people wanting to either do charity work or donate to a charity, but aren't sure which charity is best for them.
This website will match your personality with a charity you may like. The person wishing to donate will fill out a questionnaire. This information is loaded into a data base that matches the person to an appropriate charity. The website will generate income through advertising.
Reward: 30% ownership in the concept is the reward for a website designer/developer.

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Stefan Micke
Morning Broadcast for People in a Bad Mood Printer Friendly Version
In the early morning hours, I really have problems getting out of bed. Turning on the radio could basically help the process, but listening to one of the morning shows that are currently on is like undergoing shock treatment: Is there anything worse than having an overexcited radio voice pretend that getting up is just a piece of cake? I'd rather wake up with a bucket of ice water over my head than listening to one of those! Why are there no morning shows with announcers who feel just as miserable as I do? Can't they wake me up with Tom Waits instead of Britney Spears?
Reward: I have this wonderful website called "CreativityPool.com". How about introducing it to your audience?

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Stig Bakke
Automatic Internet Hoax-Finder Printer Friendly Version
Do you really believe everything you see on the net? Of course not, but how do you tell what's real and what isn't? Wouldn't it be great if you could just download a hoax-finder, click an icon, and get a result such as: Hoax Probability: 92%? This could be achieved by cross-referencing the site name with various sites that report or comment on such things, or just by searching for the site name together with words like hoax, fake or phony in various search engines.
Reward: Free hoax-finders for everyone who was gullible enough to sign the anti-bonsai-kitten petition!

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