156 results found displaying 67-69
Background noise internet radio Printer Friendly Version
Streaming radios of different varieties of background noise to be used in the office, home, or busines to create different moods. Rather than using CD's a much richer variety of sounds could be offered through a website. Some examples: natural sounds (beach, forest, wind in trees, rain); Urban sounds (traffic, sidewalk, restaurant, bar), Animals (birds, barnyard, wolves, insects), White noise (different frequencies), mechanical (bicycle, motor, water-wheel, fountain). Ads would be visual only, users could upload their favorite loops.
Reward: Recognition on the site for the idea...and unlimited use of it in my office!

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An Inventors Manufacturing Plant Printer Friendly Version
This would be a manufacturing plant where they manufacture custom ideas. For example, a customer wants to invent something but doesn't have the funds to start making and testing their product. They go here with their invention and build plans, and this manufacturing plant basically manufactures the idea, and patents it for the customers for a fixed fee. They then allow the customer to profit from their invention on the market, and pay this manufacturing plant to build their product for them. Kind of ironic in a sense...
Reward: If I invent something, I would like a manufacturing discount on my products.

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 United Kingdom
Human Auction Site Printer Friendly Version
Don't worry - not what the title may suggest. I propose a site from which members could share abilities. For example: I am in a band. We have made a record, but we need some album art. So in return, we search for an artist to some album art. The artist could be given our music free. Alternatively, a proprietary currency could be used which could be exchanged according to the difficulty/length of the task. This money could be exchanged for real money, allowing people to make money with the site. Bids could be made, with the task going to the lowest bidder.
Alternatively, you could help people by offering services free to everyone/certain people, with awards for the most 'charitable'. All sorts of services, from proofreading to instructional/teaching services could be exchanged. It could also provide a marketplace for independant music/films/literature without publishers etc.
Reward: Would like to be kept informed of any progress, maybe even have the option of collaborating.

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