156 results found displaying 112-114
Michael D. Grissom
To advertise air-conditioning business Printer Friendly Version
Mount a sufficiently sized home air-conditioning unit and gas powered generator to power it inside of an old used panel van. Vent the condenser exaust out the bottom of the van. Cover the outside of the van in chicken wire to keep the inches of ice formed by humidity collection from breaking off and causing a road hazard. Use a top mounted billboard type sign to display "OVERKILL AIRCONDITIONING 555-1234" or "ICE MAN AIR 555-1234" (whatever) while you (dressed for winter) drive your big block of ice all over town OR... if you're in a great location, park it in front of the business and leave it running. One glance and prospective customers will never forget what you can do better than anyone else!

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Movie theaters in airports Printer Friendly Version
With airport layovers and delays really common, why not have airport multi-plexes? They would have to be traveller-friendly with places for luggage, a variety of movie lengths with clearly stated ending times, comfortable seating and silent alert buzzers for travellers who might doze off.

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Itheoxy Xakhzhatlia
Profits with altruism Printer Friendly Version
Do you have enough money? If so, you can buy small broken enterprises to refloating. Sample: Buy a business. Invest to refloat it until it makes profits then GIVE the 80% of actions to the workers with this condition: You will receive the 20% of profit only. If 10 of whole profit, the workers get 8 and you 2. Doing this with many small business, at the end you will get more profits ever imagine and you will know that make money with no workers explotation.
Reward: recognition

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