156 results found displaying 133-135
Itheoxy Xakhzhatlia
Coca Tea Printer Friendly Version
Get a licence for import and export coca tea to sell in the EU. Peru, Bolivia and Colombia have this product already on sale. The coca tea is legal, medicinal, tonic, delicious and is new in the market. The producers are not "Big" people so they still don´t have the adequate business backup nor huge promotions. A new sensational product for the EU.
Reward: any

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Detective/Police case pool Printer Friendly Version
The creation of a large site containing past cases and official log in for police detectives who want to solve crimes.
International setup:
A library of information regarding deductive and inductive methods for solving crimes and an experts forum and email system that helps detectives find the right answers from more educated and/or more experienced and/or prooven record (famous - well known - respected) detectives.
(Maybe: A cross sectional reference system that matches modus apperendi, similarities in crimes and can track license plates or pass ports or border crossings and new immigrants.)
Special membership: firewall and security: for detectives and experts.
AND a public query line for amateurs and for those curious people who need a mystery solved.
Reward: free web site where I might try out HTML and storage for links, words and pics.

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Pay per view worth the view Printer Friendly Version
I think that Pay per view from cable and satellite services should have new movies to watch that are simalar to those found in many hotels. These movies would be on the verge of coming out to video, but exclusive to pay per view first before they come out to video stores.
I can go down to Hollywood video and rent the exact same movies showing on pay per view. Usually cheaper too. Video stores should concentrate on sales of movies and archived movies, letting cable and satellite premium channels take up the new releases right out of pay per view, so those that don't care to wait can pay to view it, and those that don't care are paying anyway with HBO, Showtime, etc. and those who liked the movie can buy it from the video store.
Premium chanels are great but by the time movies get there, they have already been seen, the only difference between that and regular TV is that it's comercial free and uncut.
Reward: One free pay per view movie

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