156 results found displaying 142-144
Serial bid algorithm Printer Friendly Version
1. The Problem - If you want to buy an item, which is offered several times in (internet-)auctions and you want to pay a finite maximum price, then you have to bid for each offer separately until you suceed buying at your maximum price or lower. This is unpleasant.
2. The Solution - Order the auctions you are interested in in a list I (the auction, that will finish soonest, first) and mark some maximum price p_I for the list. Now an (computerized) agent might bid for the first item on the list until it wins the auction or the maximum price p_I is surpassed. In the first case, you got your item and the agent drops your list and stops bidding. In the second case, the agent drops the first item from your list and continues to bid for the rest of the list.
By that, you either win exactly one item from your list, or all items are sold above your maximum price.
I call this serial bid.
Reward: Dedicate one of your patents if you have any.

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Stig Bakke's brother Stig
Virtual Map Pins Printer Friendly Version
So after Stig returned from Iceland, he thought it would be kind of cool to put up one of those big maps with pins in all the places he had been (he traveled via Panama City and Osaka). Unfortunately, Stig doesn't have any free wall space.
After we argued for a bit about whether he should take down his ancient Def Leppard poster, we agreed that being able to do this on a computer would save a lot of space. There are plenty of map programs, but are there any that allow you to insert virtual pins?
Reward: Full credit for the idea, a copy of the software, and some new socks.

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Any Movie At Any Time Printer Friendly Version
We have cable/sat companies making money off of pay per view, so why don't they partner with a big movie rental company like blockbuster or netflix, so that we can have a broader range of movies to rent from our TV's? Wouldn't it be nice to think about a movie and then be able to watch it with the click of the remote?
Reward: A year of free movies.

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