145 results found displaying 31-33
John Charles Thomas
Ecological TV Printer Friendly Version
There are many reasons that people pollute so badly but one is sure just lack of perception. Your garbage seems simply to disappear. So, here's the deal. Inside every TV is a mandatory chip that displays an image of the garbage that you produce. At first, it obscures a small part of your TV screen, but over time, more and more is obscured. If you produce less garbage, the TV becomes obscured less quickly. To reduce the garbage, you may perform certain acts such as planting a tree. You plant a tree, and a signal is sent that reduces your garbage image proportion.
Reward: Gee, I dunno. A habitable planet for my grandchildren might just about do it for me.

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Algae for Life Printer Friendly Version
There's many people that think CO2 is bad, but what they don't know is that there are things in nature that have to have CO2 to survive. Did you know that algae consumes more CO2 than trees and the toxins let off by coal burning factories are nutrients to some algae's? The nutrients that the algae then produces can fight and prevent malnutrition and when dried, the algae becomes biomass and can be burned like coal for energy with no emissions. I propose that all coal burning factories, by law, should have to implement this concept to their industry.
Reward: TO be truely sustainable

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Watermills in rain pipes Printer Friendly Version
I moved to the city a couple of years ago, and have noticed how clean the roofs always are. No leafs get up there. Further, from every roof there runs a pipe all the way along the edges of the roof, and to the ground in order to make the rain that ends on the roof go to the ground without pouring down on the windows.
My idea is simply to put a little mill inside the pipes that go from the roof to the ground, the mill should run a simple generator in order to produce power. - Since the roofs are always clean in the city, the problem of dirt accumulating in the mill is not an issue.
It wouldn't be much of an extra cost to produce such pipes, since both the generator and the mill are easily made out of few raw-materials (plastic for the mill, and some copper and magnets for the generator).
There is quite a lot of square meters of roof in a city, and if these pipes were installed as a replacement of the old ones when the roof should be renewed anyway, it would propably accumlulate a neat amount of energy (although not nearly as much as a dam!).
Reward: A sample of the product?

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