80 results found displaying 61-63
Submarine Fitness Grip Ball Printer Friendly Version
A Sports Training Ball for Aqua Athletes.
By setting the amount of water to air ratio inside the ball, you can set the ball to hover at a depth halfway between the surface and the bottom of a pool or just set it at at whatever depth you desire. The ball would have strong grip handles so divers can retrieve it. This would be great to train for many water-related careers, for lung capacity building, or for general overall fitness.

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Chess Clock for >2 Printer Friendly Version
I play at a soccer club where they have no real goalies, so the field players have to take turns in the goal. I always have the feeling that some people try to dodge their responsibility while others spend a fairly long time in the goal, but there is no real proof.
The solution would be to have a chess clock type of device, only with five or more buttons. If you're in the goal, you press your button, and as the game proceeds you can easily tell who has spent the least time in the goal, and send him to fulfill his duty.
I am sure there would be countless other applications for this grand idea! ;)
Reward: A soccer chess clock for free (and maybe a backup if the original gets destroyed by the ball)

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Morris E.Pridgen
Sit ups Printer Friendly Version
My idea consist of a pad, to lay on while doing sit ups. This pad will be connected to two traps that hold your feet in place. Your weight on the pad will act as someone holding your feet. This is for not having to have someone hold your feet while doing sit-ups.

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