80 results found displaying 67-69
Swimming Mimic Machine Printer Friendly Version
I imagine a machine that is designed to allow the user to appear to be swimming in a pool, but it will have weights as well to increase resistance. I am turned off by public pools and the effort to breath just to get the physical movement. Eliminate the breathing strain and you may be able to swim longer with added resistance. No more waiting in lines or having red eye or chlorine in your hair, but all the physical benefits of swimming.
Reward: Help develop and sell the product. I need help in engineering such a product.

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Sports sweatpants to help you run faster Printer Friendly Version
Put elastic strips on the outside of the knees and ankles of sweat pants. This will store some of the energy when you land as you are running, because when you hit the ground your knees and ankles flex. Then it will be easier to take the next step. The contraction of the elastic would help you push off from the ground better, because you extend your knees and ankles to push yourself off the ground to take your next stride. You should be able to run faster. It might also take some of the strain off your knee and ankle joints, because it would cushion your landings.
It would be important to anchor the sweatpants in place so they don't ride up or down as you run. You could anchor them below by making them fit over the foot like a stocking and anchor them above with suspenders. You also wouldn't want to make the elastic too stiff or the person couldn't bend their legs properly. If you could just store maybe 40% of the energy when they hit the ground in the elastic it should be enough to make it significantly easier for them to push off the ground for the next stride.
Reward: A pair of these sweatpants

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Kayak kar karrier kombo Printer Friendly Version
There are several streamlined car carriers to carry all sorts of gear. I think it would be feasible to create a plastic or fiberglas carrier that could double as a kayak.
There could be a lockable, outside shell or hatch to secure the carrier. The hull would be one piece with an attachable bow and rudder, kept inside.
After lifting if off the car and removing the contents, total assembly time would be about 10 minutes.
Reward: Demo unit

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