41 results found displaying 28-30
Television Program Notification Printer Friendly Version
Have you ever been watching multiple shows, but one is more important and you missed most of it because you forgot to switch back?
This invention would be a little notification on the top of the screen that tells you when to switch back to your favorite show, after the commercials have ended. You program your favorite shows and if you are watching another channel during commercials, a notification will pop up and tell you to switch back.

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Double V shape TV screen Printer Friendly Version
How about a two sided TV screen, shaped like a letter V? It would be two TV's joined to move into separate directions. It would allow two people in same room to watch different TV programs. There would be separate remotes and possibly speakers inside remote like in hospitals ... or even simple headphone speakers. Couples would not have to have TV's in separate rooms any more.
Reward: a set for us.....

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Television with a caution alarm Printer Friendly Version
It is normally seen in many households (at least in my household) that older people (sometimes we youngsters) tend to go asleep while watching television. So we can have a television set which gives a message, every 1 hour or 40 minutes, indicating that the television set is ON. Mind you! This message has to be a voice message, which can be easily installed in a television set.
Example of a voice message: "Your television set is on!" if possible indicating the time.

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