273 results found displaying 124-126
 New Zealand
Free parking Printer Friendly Version
I hate getting parking tickets, so I sat down and thought of a way to get around it.
When the parking wardens come round, they mark the front tyre closest to the curb with a chalk mark. On their next round, if the chalk mark is still there then they dish out a ticket.
A modified automatic fragance dispenser that are used restrooms can be used to solve this problem. Instead of frangrance, it dispenses a black liquid (or similar) on to the top of the front tyre. When you park at a time limited park, you flick a switch and every 30 minutes or so the unit would fire and the chalk mark would be erased.
The result is free parking.
Reward: none, nadda, nothing

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Car Seats with A/C or Heat Printer Friendly Version
I live in Florida and am a mom to a 9 month old baby. It gets VERY hot here and I hate putting my baby in her sweltering carseat. I would love it if there were some type of attachment that would allow for the air conditioning to circulate through the seat and cool it off faster. This product would also be beneficial in northern areas during the winter. The product could help warm up the seat for babies who are chilly.
Reward: a free seat

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 United Kingdom
Moving pavement Printer Friendly Version
People like going out but there are a number of us who don't like walking around i was thinkng that we could move the flat escalators (that you get in airports) outside into the pavements/sidewalks and you just press a button when you want to get off and then you wait for another one to stop depending on how far you wanna go you won't have to walk much.

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